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One of the program MELCA-Ethiopia implementing in Majang project through the financial support of SIDA under children and youth empowerment program is SEGNI (Social Empowerment through Group Nature Interaction). SEGNI program objective is to create a critical young generation who under the role of the culture and traditional knowledge of their community for conservation of biodiversity and become eco-advocates in the school and their career life.

Under these objective of the program on May 2021, In Majang Zone five school was selected based their SEGNI club activity the school consists Gelsha, Goshine, Toli(Godere woreda) and kumi, Godere mission from the mengeshi woreda. After evaluating the readiness of the school for the program culture and nature related program was successfully accomplished at selected five schools.

Majang Community Elders giving Training for the Student on Cultural Medicine and Forest Conservation.

By inviting Majang community elders to school it could gave training on the cultural conservation of natural resource and cultural medicine which they were used whiles them moving and living in the forest. Some of cultural medicine which was presented by elders are balatiye, tapedira, Gidgir and leketi for treating teeth, wounded body, stomach ache respectively.

One of the elders also introduced the way to produce fire when they are in the forest and before introduction of the safety much they used kumato (wanza) to create fire in the absence of safety mach.

Presenting Fire Creation Traditional Method by one of Majang Community Elder

On other hand short-term drama and Poems has presented by club members, which shows about the impact of deforestation, responsibility of every community members to protecting environment and important of conserving and respecting the useful culture in order to pass for next generation.


Concerning the questioning and answer 30 questions was prepared by club head teachers and environmental teachers. The question focuses on the cultural medicine, tools, climate change, deforestation and its consequence after preparing the question it was evaluated and corrected by department head.  The four students were selected from the club members and conducted questioning and answer.  Finally, the student who scores higher result is selected 1 up 3 and rewarded the guidebook.

Question and Answer Program among student

Another most important thing which attracts the program is cultural music and dance by Majang society. In order to show the cultural music elders was assigned for them to follow each step while they are on the training in order to keep the original culture of Majang. Finally, they show for the audience more attractive and interesting cultural music and participants appreciate the SEGNI club members.

SEGNI Club Students Performing Majang Cultural Music, Dance and Poem.


Majang Cultural Food