MELCA-Ethiopia launched a new project in Oromia National Regional State Oromia Special Zone Surrounding Finfinne Welmara Woreda.

With the project titled Enhancing the Resilience Capacity of Smallholder Farmers of Welmera through Promoting Agro-ecological Practices and Market Access, MELCA-Ethiopia launched a new project in Oromia National Regional State, Oromia Special Zone Surrounding Finfinne Walmera Woreda with the financial support of SOS Faim Belgium To contribute to national level poverty reduction through building resilience and wellbeing of communities and their ecosystems, the project will implement for coming five years (2022 – 2026).

In the earlier MELCA-Ethiopia has been worked in the woreda and shown a visible change. MELCA comeback to Walmera Woreda with the prior objective of “to support communities engaged in sustainable agriculture and learning practices that improve their life and livelihoods while at the same time protecting their environment and conserving their bio-cultural diversity”.

The launching workshop has been opened by community elder “Aba Geda” blessing. And workshop participants express their happiness by MELCA-Ethiopia come back and welcomed the new project, and they give their word to contribute and work together with MELCA-Ethiopia to achieve the planned goal.
The new project’s specific objectives are to contribute to conservation of farmers’ seed varieties and agro-biodiversity, to increase household income of smallholder farmer families by supporting them to be engaged in agro-ecology and facilitation of market access, to contribute to reduction of unemployment and poverty in the project area by supporting women and youth to be engaged in eco-friendly income generation activities, to enhance bio-cultural diversity awareness of the youth and community for better conservation and management of the local natural resources.