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Beekeeping Training for Beekeepers, Farmers, Extension Service Providers, Experts, and Development Agents

The Trainee Group During Inspecting of Modern (Langstroth) Beehive

Beekeeping is one of the core environmentally friendly income generation (livelihood improvement) activities of the MELCA-Ethiopia program thematic area. The interventions are essentially based on non-timber forest products that work in an ecologically sound manner. The program also engages communities, notably marginalized groups, women, and unemployed youth, and encourages private sector actors’ participation in eco-friendly business and investment options.

Beekeeping Training and presentations in class room

In MELCA’s project areas beekeeping activities are a very potential livelihood (income generation) option and a non-timber forest product. Most beekeepers that live in MELCA’s project area (Adaba, Bale, Majang, and Sheka) use traditional beehives for producing honey and hunting honey. Beehive products especially honey attract the best prices making it a valuable commodity for income.

To promote the modern beekeeping system MELCA-Ethiopia have been organized training for beekeepers, farmers, extension service providers, experts, and development agents at end of Feb and the beginning of March 2023. The overall objective of the training is capacity building of beekeeping practice to the Beekeepers, extension service providers, farmers, experts, and development agents as the trainer of trainer.

Group photos of participants and the trainees during practicing making candles with beeswax

The training was conducted jointly by MELCA-Ethiopia and professional beekeeper volunteer came from Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO). Approximately one hundred trainers were able to participate in the training while twenty-five percent of them were female. The three-day training for each project has been provided. Besides the presentation, the training has also included practical beehive inspection during the daytime, simple candle-making methods with bee wax, and apiary site visits.

Vacancy Announcement (Re-advertisement)

MELCA-Ethiopia is a non-governmental non-profit making local organization legally registered in accordance with Organizations of Civil Societies Proclamation No. 1113/2019 with registration No. 0348 and operating in Ethiopia. MELCA-Ethiopia envisions seeing healthy and prosperous people that conserve their bio-cultural diversity and carries the mission of working for healthy ecosystems, resilient communities and critical young generation

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Establishment of the Ethiopian Food System and Agroecology Consortium Introduction Session on Ethiopian Food System and Agroecology Consortium Establishment Meeting MELCA-Ethiopia and Its partners establish Ethiopian Food System and Agroecology Consortium to work together and achieving a common objective on the gaps of Ethiopian Food System and Agroecology on 9th May 2023. The consortium members

መልካ ኢትዮጵያ 19ኛዉን አመታዊ ጠቅላላ ጉባኤዉን አባላቱ በተገኙበት አካሄደ

መልካ ኢትዮጵያ 19ኛዉን አመታዊ ጠቅላላ ጉባኤዉን አባላቱ በተገኙበት አካሄደ የጠቅላላ ጉባኤዉ አባላት የ2022 ስራ ክንዉን ሪፖርት በማድመጥ ላይ በ19ኛዉ የመልካ ኢትዮጵያ ጠቅላላ ጉባኤ የተገኙ አባላት ቡድን ፎቶ                 ከተፈጥሮ ጋር ዘለቄታዊ ግንኙነት ያላቸዉን ባህላዊ እሴቶቻችን እንዲያንሰራሩ እና የማህበረሰብን እና የስርአተ ምህዳርን አቅምን ለማጎልበት አላማ አድርጎ በ1997ዓ.ም የተቋቋመዉ መልካ